JTrade - Release Notes

- speed up slpasher (using java 6)
- make use of java-help	
- (internal) check for obsolete resources	
- (internal) use formatters instead toString
- remove dialog for printing archives
- add trader application
- add preferences and tools application
- add option to export cue sheets
- use input library once free and open (eg for locations, countries)
- offer tools to fix typos in lineups, setlists, other data
- use prevayler
- store locations separately
- add validation
- make use of ISO 3166 country codes
- add show actions to context menu of overview
- more and enhanced autocompletion (esp. venues, cities etc)

0.5 2006-12-18
This release has main focus on UI improvement and .csv import/export as per
etree standard.

As etree and jtrade tradelist explorer's internal fields do not match 100% the 
mapping can not be 100% accurate. Eg. etree does not support a country field, 
it only has a state field which is filled with the US state for US shows and the
country for others. There are specialized fields (such as microphones etc) at 
etree which jtrade doesn't have, but there is only one comment field where 
jtrade has 2. There's no lineup at etree ... Anyway - exporting via jtrade and
importing into another jtrade works fine, exporting jtrade and importing at 
etree (and vice versa) at least works OK.

Changes / new Features: 
- new UI (toolbar / menu completely rewritten) 
- fixed exit without save if only one field edited (after last save) and that 
  field still had the focus on exit.
- add Show Name to overview and search criteria
- Adapt .csv import to etree (mostly) standard 
	- fix problems with .csv files containing line breaks inside a columns 
	  (eg notes)
	- enable setlist and lineup for .csv import. replaced internal csv reader 
	  by apaches's commons.csv
- Enable export to etree .csv format (for single shows)	  
- All exports for a show (info.txt, csv4mp3bookhleper.csv.txt, etree.csv) 
  can now be done with one click to the same (torrent) directory
- Enabled storing song length and position on cd:
  per line in the setlist, use the following format for each song :
  songname [mm:ss@hh:mm:ss] (hh = hours, mm = minutes, ss = seconds)
  '[' and ']' can be omitted and will be inserted automatically.
  everything before '@' is the length of the song, after '@' the position 
  (in file or cd). The position can be used eg.for auto-creation of cue-sheets 
  for mp2 files.
- Capitalize setlist and Lineup (1st character/word)

BugFixes :
- Archive : fix Show sorting by artist name instead variant sort if given
- Copy Shows : fix media changes also apply to the copies show.
- Remarks : fix compressing remarks into 1 line (corrupted formatting) (was 
  caused by changes from 0.3 to 0.4)
- Remove length of songs from filenames in .csv files

0.4 2005-09-02

Changes : 
- show #of shows for an artist in the tree and artist details
- Enable search of shows in the root, index and artist panels.
  filtering is done on 
  artist and show name, venue, city, country, show date, media type
  doubleclick on a selected show selects this show in the tree and for the 
- upgrade to recent external library versions
- tune archive print
- check for existing files in infofile and tags export

BugFixes :
- Fix not enabling save if only an artist or show was deleted

0.3 2006-05-26

enable edit for archive print

Changes : 

- enable creation of info file 
  (which eg. can be used as info file for bit torrent trackers, flac/shn/... archives etc.)
- enable creation of csv file for tagging flac (mp3 ...) files with mp3BookHelper 
  (maybe also helpful for other tagging utilities)
- add Archives (eg for archiving flac/shn/... files on dvd)
  (Menu : File -> Archives)
  You can set a previously created Archive for a show (should help to lookup
  shows when your flac (shn ...) archives get big
- simple auto-completion on some fields (Venue, City, Country, Setlist, Musicians)
- capitalize Setlist and Lineup 
  (Convert all the whitespace separated words into capitalized words, 
  that is each word is made up of a titlecase character and then a series 
  of lowercase characters.)
- HTML exports overview only
- add background image for printouts 
- simplified SQL export 
- Code cleanup  
- java 1.5 required

BugFixes :
- Format of showlength missing leading '0' in minutes
- fix enabling save when only adding/deleting show/artist withut any other changes

previous versions : 
0.2.1 2005-07-08

Changes : 
- enable edit fields for sheet-print (changes are not stored, 
  only used for printout)
- add state field

BugFixes :
- fixed .csv import result log area grow larger than the diaolog's size 
  (caused hiding of 'OK' 'BACK' 'CANCEL' button on imports of more than 
  ~10 shows)

previous versions : 
0.2 2005-06-30

Changes : 
- jdk 1.5 compatible
- faster xml io (use dom4j)
- csv import
- received date defaults to current date if status changes to 
- time displays hours:minutes:seconds now.

BugFixes :
- Exception on first start without tradelist fixed

previous versions : 

0.1.1 2005-03-22

Bugfix release

Changes :
- fix problems with US (and probably other) Date formats
- Show dates in the tree in the same format as in the fields
- Enable setting date formats as properties in jtrade.properties
- Fixed unchecked mandatory artists sort attribute. The sort attibute 
  is no longer mandatory, if empty, the artists name is used for 

previous versions : 
0.1 2005-03-14

Changes :
- added option to start maximized
- added option to select media type background in printouts in Print 
- added Icon 
- use library binding-1.0

previous versions : 
0.1.beta 2005-01-31

Changes :
- additional media types added 
  (shn, flac, wma, wmv, rv, ra, ogg, mp2, tape)
  pseudo formats (pc video, vcd90, xvcd90) removed
- default width of the tree enlarged
- Date entries no longer a String but a formatted Date
  (Dates may be corrupted if you didn't stick to the previously required 
  ISO format yyyy-MM-dd)
- Length entry no longer a String but a formatted time (minutes:seconds)
  (Length may be corrupted if you didn't stick to the previously required 
  format mm:ss)
- Licence Dialog at first start
- Tree Node is updated when related show/artist values change 
- simplified DTD
- Fixed 'null' values in new Show

Known Bugs : 
- If user/systems directory settings depth > 1 
  (eg. export/html -> IOException on createDirectory)
- Changes in sort criteria of artist / show don't refresh the tree 
- Tree is not rebuild/sort order changed when Show/Artist values change

- 1st start : tradelist not found message to be enhanced.
- Tree shows 'root' node
- Properties Editor

previous versions : 
0.1.p (Preview) 2004-12-27 

I'm personally using this version for more than a year now to maintain 
a list with about 250 artists and 800 shows. So although it is a preview 
version it is quite stable. The general configuration is not yet 
implemented and can only be done by manually editing some property files, 
that's why i call it a preview. 
If you can live with the defaults or are not afraid to edit property 
files manually with a text editor you may already be happy with the 
preview version.